วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 16 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555



Petssupplies-Fish & Aquatic Pets " Provides 14 elements critical to long-term health,growth, and coloration of aquatic plants. Elemental ratio reflects current understanding ofgeneral requirements for unrestricted growth oftropical aquatic plants. May be used to establish beneficial water parametersin new aquaria, to replenish depleted elementalconcentrations in aquaria that rarely receive a waterchange, and to re-establish concentrations in aquariafollowing large water changes. Well-suited to the planted aquarium hobbyistseeking one simple solution to use for the majorityof plant husbandry requirements (e.g. aside frominstances when specific water parameters requireadjustment). Also provides 0.001% iodine to enable crustaceans(such as shrimp) to molt and grow. Formulated utilizing extensive research on aquatic plantnutrient requirements."Liquid250-ml, Brand BRIGHTWELL AQUATICSLiquid250-ml
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