วันเสาร์ที่ 21 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2555

Zoo Med Labs Aquatic Turtle Food -- 1.6 oz

Zoo Med Labs Aquatic Turtle Food -- 1.6 oz

Petssupplies-Fish & Aquatic Pets Zoo Med's Aquatic Turtle Food is used and recommended by Zoos, Veterinarians, and professional breeders worldwide. Hatchling turtles eat a diet that is naturally higher in protein than that diet of adult aquatic turtle. This Hatchling Formula is higher in protein to accommodate the rapid growth rates of hatchling and juvenile aquatic turtles with shells up to 2 inches (5 cm) long. For sub-adult turtles, use Zoo Med's Maintenance Formula. Most aquatic turtles prefer to feed at the water's surface (like Red-eared Sliders, Painted Turtles & Map Turtles). Our pellets float making it easier for them to locate their food., Brand Zoo Med LabsZoo Med's Aquatic Turtle Food is used and recommended by Zoos, Veterinarians, and professional breeders worldwideZoo Med Labs
These pellets have helped my turtles grow very quickly. They are thriving and seem to be getting all the nutrition they need from ...
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