วันเสาร์ที่ 17 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554
Kaytee Forti-Diet Pro Health Parrot Food
Birds Health Supplies Your Parrot's preference is for variety; give it to her in a health-promoting, seed-based food fortified with wholesome grains and essential nutrients. Daily feedings will enhance her feather color and texture. Stay-fresh resealable bag sustains maximum freshness. Phase-in gradually for best results., Brand Kaytee25-lb bag
Bird Proof Your Boat
It's a situation that happens all too often: a boat owner plans to take their vessel out for a day of enjoyment, only to find it covered in bird droppings. Bruce Donoho, owner of Bird Control Supply Company, Bird-B-Gone, says "Left unattended, bird droppings can stain surfaces, and eventually erode materials, not to mention the health risk: bacteria and parasites can also be found in bird droppings." A high concentration of uric acid, found to be even higher in sea birds, can be to blame for the erosion. The acidity can ero...
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